Integrative Cancer Care

While naturopathic medicine cannot cure cancer, there is scientific and clinical evidence that it is useful in combination with conventional care. Such benefits include:


1.     Reduce and manage short-term and long-term side effects of chemotherapy and/or radiation treatment including
nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, loss of appetite, weight changes, brain fog, numbness and tingling (peripheral neuropathy), urinary incontinence, dermatitis, heart and lung complications.

By effectively reducing and managing side effects of treatment, patients are able to better tolerate and stay on course with their treatment plan to obtain optimal outcomes.

2.     Support post-surgical recovery by reducing
swelling and pain, fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, preventing risk of infection and enhancing wound healing.

3.     Enhance effectiveness of conventional treatment by optimizing your immune function, hormonal balance, blood sugar balance, detoxification, and other anti-cancer pathways that influence the body’s ability to protect and fight cancer. 

Optimizing the body’s self-healing and anti-cancer processes are critical components of any cancer prevention and treatment plan.

4.     Reduce risk of recurrence by addressing modifiable risk factors such as diet, physical activity and other environmental and lifestyle factors that can contribute to the development and progression of

A naturopathic doctor can help to guide you through survivorship, how to protect yourself, and build a strong anti-cancer defense system that will reduce your risk of recurrence and help you lead a healthy and meaningful life following cancer.  

5.     Improve your quality of life in the areas such as general, physical, psychological, sexual, cognitive, and social well-being.
More specifically, a cancer diagnosis can strongly impact the emotional health of patients, families, and caregivers.

A naturopathic doctor can help to support diagnosis and treatment induced stress and anxiety by utilizing mind-body techniques, supportive nutritional and botanical supplements, and optimizing lifestyle factors such as sleep, diet, and physical activity.

Cancer care

What to expect with your Naturopathic cancer care.

It starts with your Initial Consultation – Your naturopathic doctor who focuses on cancer care, will take a thorough look at your medical history and review relevant imaging reports, pathology notes, and lab tests. 

They will discuss conventional treatment plans and review current
medications, supplements, diet and lifestyle habits, emotional health, and wellbeing. 

Careful consideration is given to your current medications and treatment to avoid any drug/nutrient/herb interactions.

We will also focus on dietary and physical activity recommendations
to manage symptoms such as fatigue, weight loss, appetite changes, mood changes as well as to support treatment recovery.

At the end of your initial visit, a detailed treatment plan is designed to address your health goals and help minimize any side effects of  treatments (nausea, fatigue, neuropathy, diarrhea, brain fog, etc.), and to improve quality of life.

Treatment options can include:

  • Clinical nutrition
  • Botanical/herbal medicine
  • Lifestyle counselling
  • Acupuncture
  • Mind-body medicine
  • IV drip therapy
  • Mineral therapies

Your naturopathic doctor will communicate and collaborate with conventional doctors and other healthcare providers to best support your health, quality of life and well-being.

Ongoing Care – Your naturopathic doctor will be there with you to monitor any changes with your conventional treatment and evaluate your response to the initial naturopathic cancer treatment. 

Ongoing support for emerging and/or anticipated side effects of conventional treatment and disease-related concerns is part of any treatment plan.

Whether you are receiving your diagnosis, undergoing
treatment, or in remission, a naturopathic doctor can help you navigate through the challenges you will face and provide the support that you need. 

If you are interested in learning more, please book a free consultation with Dr. Irina Chan, ND by clicking here.