Choosing the right diet

Cancer Prevention Diet

What is the easiest Cancer prevention diet and why should we be paying attention to our diet when it comes to cancer?

To start, the World Health Organization states that ‘between 30 and 50% of cancers can currently be prevented by avoiding risk factors and implementing existing evidence-based prevention strategies.’ This includes maintaining a healthy body weight, eating a healthy diet, regular physical activity, reducing alcohol and tobacco use and other environmental exposures.

When it comes to diet, a study found that the highest quality diets as assessed by the Healthy Eating Index is associated with not only a 16% decrease in cancer incidence but also a 22% reduction in cardiovascular disease, 18% reduction in type 2 diabetes, and 15% reduction in neurodegenerative diseases. Among cancer survivors, diets of the highest quality resulted in a 12% reduction in all-cause mortality and 10% reduction in cancer mortality.

As you can see here, eating healthy plays a key role in reducing cancer risk, as well as other risk factors like preventing any heart complications, type 2 diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases.

To take that one step further, you may want to focus on a cancer prevention diet.

In this article Dr. Irina Chan, ND, discusses the research around the ideal way of eating when it comes to a cancer prevention diet. What foods to eat and more importantly…why.  We will also touch on which ones to avoid, no matter how strong the cravings!

So what is the ideal cancer prevention diet?

There is growing information and research suggesting that a Mediterranean diet can lower cancer risk.

What makes a Mediterranean diet so great when it comes to reducing cancer risk?

For starters, it’s high in antioxidants, which prevents oxidative damage.

Antioxidants fight free radicals in your body. Free radicals can cause harm if their levels become too high, and they’re linked to many illnesses including diabetes, heart disease or cancer among others!

Your own antioxidant defenses keep them under control, but you may want a little help from food like following a Mediterranean diet.

Type 2 diabetes is strongly linked to increased risk of bladder, breast, colorectum, endometrium, kidney, liver, and pancreatic cancer. A Mediterranean diet is high in fiber which helps to maintain a healthy blood sugar balance, thereby preventing the development of type 2 diabetes.

But wait, there’s more!

The high fiber content associated with the Mediterranean diet also helps support a healthy gut microbiome and a healthy immune system, which is our bodies natural defense mechanism against cancer.

So how effective is the Mediterranean diet when it comes to lowering cancer risk?

To answer this question, a systematic review looked at over 117 studies with over 3 million participants. This is quite a large sample size and something we want to look at.

The authors of this study concluded that those who had the highest adherence to a Mediterranean diet had a 13% decreased risk of cancer death, 6% decreased risk of breast cancer, 17% decreased risk of colorectal cancer, 44% decreased risk of head and neck cancers, 16% decreased risk of lung cancer, 13% decreased risk of bladder cancer, 30 % decreased risk of stomach cancer, and 36% reduced risk of liver cancer.

Those are some pretty amazing reductions you can achieve by changing the way that you eat. One of the great things about eating a Mediterranean diet is that it’s easy to prepare, tastes great, and will keep you satisfied long after you’ve eaten.

So what consists of the Mediterranean diet?

You can find on the internet a lot of different resources on the Mediterranean diet including what you should be eating and how many servings you should be having of each food item. But I really like the diagram below (from Intermountain Healthcare) because it shows an easier and more flexible way of adopting a Mediterranean diet.

cancer prevention diet
cancer prevention diet ok to eat
cancer prevention diet
cancer prevention diet, sometimes ok to eat
cancer prevention diet
cancer prevention diet. never ok to eat.

The Mediterranean diet includes ample amounts of fruits and vegetables along with whole grains, beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds every day. In addition, you can enjoy approximately two to three servings of fish and seafood, poultry and eggs, as well as cheese and yogurt on a weekly basis. Foods to limit include red meat (no more than 1 steak a week), processed meats, alcohol, added sugar, high salt intake (less than 1 tsp a day), and processed foods.


Why limit such foods?

Studies looking at the incidence of cancer in those who consumed the highest amount of red meat vs those who consumed the lowest amounts had a 9% increased risk of breast cancer, 10% increased risk of colorectal cancer, 26% increased risk of lung cancer, and 22% increased risk of liver cancer.

Similarly, studies looking at the incidence of cancer in those who consumed the highest amount of processed meat vs those who consumed the lowest amounts had a 6% increased risk of breast cancer, 18% increased risk of colorectal cancer, 12% increased risk of lung cancer, and 24% increased risk of stomach cancer.

Sugar-sweetened beverages like soda and juice is associated with a 12% increased risk of cancer. Moreover, consuming excess sweets that are high in refined carbohydrates and added sugars can contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes which has been strongly linked to increased cancer risk.

When it comes to salt intake, higher dietary salt intake is associated with a 25% increased risk of stomach cancer. Not to mention, excess salt intake can increase risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and kidney failure.

What about BBQ and fried foods?

It’s not just what we put into our bodies that matters; it’s also how we prepare it. There are many healthy ways to prepare your meals including lightly sautéing, boiling, and steaming. However, one should limit consumption of fried, smoking, charred, BBQ and grilled meats.

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are formed when protein such as fish or meat is smoked or cooked at high temperatures. This includes grilling, BBQ, charring, roasting or frying. Any method of cooking that can char or burn food will produce PAHs. The smoked and burnt bits of meat are laden with PAHs that have been found to be highly toxic and carcinogenic to humans. Cumulative exposure to PAHs has been associated with elevated risk of breast, lung and bladder cancer. Other sources of PAH include cigarette smoke, car exhaust fumes, and smoke from wood or coal burning,

If you wish to enjoy BBQ ribs or grilled steak and want to limit PAH exposure and cancer risk, consider choosing leaner cuts of meat to reduce fat dripping and burning, cooking at lower temperatures for a longer duration of time, and removing the blacken portions from the meat.

How you eat is as important as what you eat. Up until the last few years we were advised by experts to eat a certain way, which as we dive into the data, is clearly not the healthiest way.

How do I get started?

When it comes to how to eat a cancer prevention diet, you can slowly incorporate tasty, plant-based and minimally processed whole foods as part of your daily diet.

The harder part will be removing refined sugars and processed foods from your life. In practice, I don’t usually advise anyone to completely eliminate such foods from your diet. Going cold turkey is not the best way to lead a healthy and sustainable diet. Restrictive diets can result in insufficient caloric consumption, dehydration, nutrient deficiencies, and can lead to an unhealthy relationship with food.

We all have cravings. We can celebrate with cake and champagne. We can have pizza nights.

The most important part of maintaining a healthy diet is to develop mindful eating habits, such as listening to hunger cues, not overeating, and noticing how food affects our mood and overall health. When we are more aware of what foods we are putting in our bodies and how they make us feel, it influences healthier food choices.

Remember, every small step towards a healthier you is worth celebrating!

If you have any questions about your health, cancer prevention, or integrative cancer care, you can always book a free consultation with Dr. Irina Chan, ND by clicking here.


Sad Diet

Why You Must Avoid A SAD Diet

Why is the SAD diet so bad…most of us eat it everyday!

Between work, school, family, and social life our increasingly busy schedules have favored convenient foods that can quickly satisfy our cravings.

In this article Dr. Irina Chan, ND, discusses the research around why you should avoid a SAD type diet. Especially if you are concerned about elevating your risk for cancer.

Maybe we can all relate here. It’s become increasingly difficult to make healthy and nutritious meals all the time. Overtime, we have lost touch with where food comes from and how it’s prepared with the introduction and rise of food processing and widespread distribution, preserved and packaged foods, microwavable meals, drive-thrus, food delivery services, and convenience stores.

It’s important to recognize that it’s not simply a matter of individual choices, but a more complex issue that involves government bodies, societal pressures, businesses, and corporations leading us to eat this way.

We are seeing that over time, fresh and perishable food items have become less accessible and less affordable, meaning that for a lot of people eating healthy every day is not a practical option. Meanwhile, we’re seeing that junk food has become more widely available, more affordable, and very intensely marketed, especially towards lower income communities and children.


The SAD diet or the Standard American Diet (I guess we could call this the Standard Canadian Diet too), is a modern-day diet that has been attributed to poor health.

Some of the issues I have with the standard American diet is that it’s highly processed. The more a food is processed, the less nutrients the food will have. Highly processed foods can literally end up with no nutritional value and cause your body more harm than good.

It’s also pro-inflammatory, meaning that it promotes inflammation in our bodies. Chronic inflammation can damage healthy cells, tissues, and organs over time. Chronic inflammation contributes to a wide range of disease including heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, cancer, obesity, asthma and dementia.

The SAD diet often consists of artificial colorings, which in high amounts can be toxic to the liver as well as other organs. Artificial food dyes may also contain contaminants such as benzidine, 4-amino-bipheny, and p-cresidine that are known cancer-causing substances. Artificial food dyes are associated with hypersensitivity reactions, changes in behavior, mood, concentration, and headaches in humans and tumor formation in rats.

High glycemic foods such as white bread, pasta, sodas, and desserts are low in fiber and high in sugar. This means that when ingested, they are rapidly digested, absorbed through the intestines, and can cause significant spikes in blood sugar. Over time, this can lead to poor blood sugar control and diabetes.

On average, American adults eat 10-15 grams of total fiber a day which is far off from the recommended 25 grams of fiber per day for women and 38 grams of fiber per day for men. Lack of fiber in our diets can promote poor blood sugar control, elevated cholesterol levels, and poor digestive health. A diet high in fiber helps to increase the composition and diversity of our gut microbiome, which enhances our immune response to pathogens and cancerous cells.

Pesticides, which are widely used in agriculture, and hormones, which are often added to animal feed, can be toxic to humans. Pesticides are known endocrine-disruptors and is associated with elevated rates of breast cancer. Furthermore, pesticide exposure during pregnancy is associated with increased rates of leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and brain tumor in children.

On average, Americans eat more than 3400 milligrams of sodium per day. However, the recommended daily limit for sodium intake is less than 2300 milligrams or approximately 1 teaspoon of table salt per day. Diets high in salt is associated with elevated risk of developing high blood pressure, which is a major cause of stroke and heart disease.

And lastly, the SAD diet is often high in trans-fat and saturated fats, which can lead to inflammation and obesity. It can also lead to buildup of fatty deposits in our blood vessels and the development of coronary artery disease, putting one at risk for heart attacks and strokes.

The graph shown here depicts the rate of cancer incidence and mortality between 1975 to 2018. Between 1975 to approximately 2000 there has been an increase in cancer incidence and mortality in both men and female. This upward trend has been linked to the increased intake of unhealthy fats, cholesterol, and refined sugar.

You will also notice a decrease in rates after approximately 1995. This is most likely due to increased cancer surveillance, advancements in cancer treatments, and cancer prevention programs focused on nutrition, physical activity, and other modifiable risk factors.

Now let’s get into the research involving the cancer risks with certain foods we are consuming.

Studies looking at the incidence of cancer in those who consumed the highest amount of red meat versus those who consumed the lowest amounts had a 9% increased risk of breast cancer, 10% increased risk of colorectal cancer, 26% increased risk of lung cancer, and 22% increased risk of liver cancer.

Similarly, studies looking at the incidence of cancer in those who consumed the highest amount of processed meat versus those who consumed the lowest amounts had a 6% increased risk of breast cancer, 18% increased risk of colorectal cancer, 12% increased risk of lung cancer, and 24% increased risk of stomach cancer.

There is a 12% increased risk of cancer associated with sugar-sweetened beverages like soda and juice. Moreover, consuming high glycemic foods (foods that are high in sugar and low in fiber) can contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes which has been strongly linked to increased risk cancer including cancer of the bladder, breast, colorectum, endometrium, kidney, liver, and pancreas.

In addition, high amounts of dietary salt intake have been shown to increase risk of stomach cancer and esophageal cancer.

Before we end this article, I want to touch on obesity.

Recent work has revealed that overweight or obesity, as measured by weight or body mass index, does not increase cancer risk; rather excess visceral adiposity or the fat that covers our organs, as measured by waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, is.

Specifically, abdominal obesity is associated with a 42% increased risk of colorectal cancer, 32% increased risk lung cancer, and 6% increased risk of post-menopausal breast cancer.

Researchers looked at women diagnosed with breast cancer and followed them for 9 years. They found that compared to women who were able to maintain a stable weight, those who gained a median weight of 6 pounds after their breast cancer diagnosis was associated with a 35% increased risk of death from breast cancer. And those who gained more than 17 pounds had a 64% increased risk of death from breast cancer.

Similarly, compared to men who were able to maintain a stable weight, those who gained more than 4 pounds had twice the risk of prostate cancer recurrence.

From such studies we can extrapolate the importance of maintaining a healthy body weight to prevent the development and recurrence of cancer.

There are many health risks associated with the SAD diet, especially when it comes to cancer. While I know how hard it is to change habits, especially when it comes to eating, I think it’s important to try.

There are many healthy ways of eating to choose from. Pick one that suits your lifestyle and start making small changes towards a healthier you!

If you have any questions about your health, cancer prevention, or integrative cancer care, you can always book a free consultation with Dr. Irina Chan, ND by clicking here.


cancer fighting foods

Cancer Fighting Foods

Cancer fighting foods. Which foods, diets, and nutrition help reduce cancer risk.

In this article we’re going to look at:

  • Functional foods for cancer prevention.
  • Foods to avoid, and foods you thought you needed to avoid, but should not!
  • To finish off, a few types of diets and how they can affect your cancer risk as well as help with prevention.

If you want to discuss cancer prevention, or integrative cancer care, you can always book a free consultation with Dr. Irina Chan, ND by clicking here.

What are Cancer fighting foods? Also known as Functional Foods?

Functional foods are foods that have been linked to lowering cancer risks. They work by improving the immune response, reducing inflammation, promoting detoxification, or protecting our DNA from oxidative damage.

In recent years there have been laboratory studies showing that these specific foods have been effective in either indirectly or directly blocking tumor growth.

In fact, you can find these types of food items on almost any grocery store shelf!

Some cancer fighting foods to incorporate into your diet include garlic, and this can also include leeks and onions. Garlic may help to prevent cancer by improving the immune response, reducing inflammation, detoxification, and protecting DNA from oxidative damage. Garlic intake is inversely associated with risk of stomach, colorectal, prostate cancer.

Cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli, kale, cabbage, cauliflower, and brussel sprouts contain sulforaphanes and isothiocyanates that may help to prevent cancer by improving detoxification and limiting the accumulation of excess hormones that can promote breast cancer or prostate cancer.

Cruciferous vegetable intake is inversely associated with risk of breast, kidney, bladder, lung, colorectal and prostate cancer.

Mushrooms, such as shiitake and maitake and even white button mushrooms are great to include in your diet of cancer fighting foods. Higher mushroom consumption is associated with lower risk of cancer stemming from their potent antioxidant properties. Mushrooms also contain β-glucans which have been implicated as having antitumor and immunomodulation properties. By improving our immunity, we are improving our body’s natural defense against cancer.

And lastly, green tea contains catechins, which are powerful antioxidants that have been shown to inhibit the growth and spread of tumor cells in laboratory studies. Green tea consumption has been shown to reduce the risk of oral, stomach, colorectal, lung, breast, ovarian and prostate cancer.

Oftentimes, I recommend having three to five cups of green tea a day.

Next, I’ll be covering some of the frequently asked questions associated with diet, nutrition and cancer risk.

I’m going to start off with soy. Oftentimes both men and women, are told to avoid soy because of its estrogenic effects. However, when you look into the research, soy consumption is associated with a reduction risk of breast cancer, as well as prostate cancer. Even in those who take it after their breast cancer diagnosis, it was shown to help prevent the recurrence. This is most likely due to soy binding to the estrogen receptors more weakly than estrogen itself. So when soy binds to the estrogen receptor, it actually inhibits estrogen from binding to these receptors. And that’s why we see a benefit here.

What about alcohol intake? Alcohol consumption increases risk for all cancers and the risk increases as you drink more. That means, that there is no safe amount of alcohol that can be consumed. There seems to be one exception. Higher consumption of wine seems to contribute to elevated breast cancer risk; however, lower doses (a third of a cup a day) does seem to have some protective effects, most likely due to the polyphenol and resveratrol content within the wine.

What about coffee? Coffee is good! Black coffee is actually rich in polyphenols which have protective effects against certain cancers like liver, endometrial, prostate, oral, and colorectal cancer. Just be mindful of what you’re adding to your coffee before drinking it (i.e. sugar and cream).

Should you be avoiding dairy? When it comes to cancer prevention, there seems to be inconsistent data on the consumption of dairy products in general. However, there seems to be protective effects associated with the consumption of fermented dairy products such as yogurt and cheese. If you would like to include dairy in your diet, it is best to choose organic products that do not contain residual antibiotics, hormones, and pesticides.

Are carbohydrates really that bad? Another big question is if one should avoid sugar and carbs. When you eat carbohydrates, they are broken down into sugars, which is the primary fuel source our cells use to give us enough energy to sustain our daily activities. But sugar in excess amounts can contribute to diabetes and weight gain, which is associated with the elevated risk of cancer.

Rather than eliminate carbs entirely from our diets, focus on reducing simple carb intake (e.g. white pasta, bread, white sugar, candy, desserts) and incorporate more complex carbs (e.g. fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans) that can stabilize blood sugar levels and have additional cancer-fighting nutrients. If you have a sweet tooth, choose lower glycemic index options (less sugar spiking effect) such as dates, bananas, monk fruit, stevia, xylitol, raw honey, or coconut sugar.

What about eggs? Data is mixed. Some have failed to find an association, but some have found that consuming ≥ 5 eggs/week was significantly associated with an increased risk of breast, ovarian compared with no egg consumption. Men who consumed 2.5 or more eggs per week had an 81% increased risk of lethal prostate cancer compared with men who consumed less than 0.5 eggs per week.

Similarly, those who consumed >3 eggs a week had increased risk of gastrointestinal cancer compared to those who consumed <3 eggs a week. Based on these studies, perhaps it’s best to limit our egg intake to less than three or five a week.  But more research is needed to confirm the cancer risks associated with egg consumption.

Intermittent fasting, is it all that? Intermittent fasting has really become a trend lately. In terms of cancer, preliminary studies have shown that prolonged fasting is safe and potentially capable of decreasing toxicity associated with chemotherapy, as well as having some benefit towards reducing tumor growth. Intermittent fasting may also be considered in adults seeking cancer-prevention benefits through means of weight management. However, intermittent fasting is not suitable for everyone especially if you have diabetes, unintended weight loss, fatigue, a history of disordered eating or mood disorders, or are pregnant or lactating.

Should I be vegetarian? A plant-based diet is best for cancer prevention. However, it is important to eat enough protein to meet your energy needs which may be challenging while on an entirely plant-based diet. Modest amounts of fish or white meats can help you meet your daily protein requirements and provide additional cancer-prevention benefits (such as omega-3).

Lastly, I want to touch on the keto diet. With the keto diet, there is currently no conclusive evidence to support its use for improved survival in cancer patients. There are risk factors associated with being on a keto diet, such as losing weight, headache, brain fog, fatigue, nausea, and constipation. It is also a diet that is challenging to adhere to.

I hope you found this information helpful. If you have any questions about cancer prevention, or integrative cancer care, you can book a free consultation with Dr. Irina Chan, ND, by clicking here. 
